1. This document defines the terms of access and use of the website, hereinafter referred to as "Terms and Conditions."
  2. By undertaking any activity aimed at using the website, the User is obliged to familiarize themselves with, comply with, and accept these Terms and Conditions without limitation or reservation.
  3. If the User does not agree with all of the Terms and Conditions, they must cease using the website and leave it immediately.
  4. All trade names, company names, and logos used on the website belong to their respective owners and are used for identification purposes only. They may be protected by trademarks.
  5. Unauthorized use of the website's content, works, or information, as well as unauthorized reproduction, retransmission, or any other use of any element of the website, is prohibited as it may violate, among other things, copyright or trademark laws.
  6. Questions or comments regarding the website can be directed to the following email address: mateusz@mrozek.org.


  1. CONTACT FORM - A questionnaire available on the website that allows immediate communication with the Website Owner.
  2. APPLICABLE LAW - Polish law applies to the execution of these Terms and Conditions.
  3. WEBSITE - The tool, under the name: www.mrozek.org, used to provide electronic services.
  4. USER - A natural person, legal entity, or organizational unit without legal personality, who has legal capacity under the law and uses the electronic services available on the website.
  5. TERMS - The set of all provisions, including these Terms and Conditions, the privacy policy, cookie policy, the terms of use of the online store, and any other terms found on the website that relate to specific functions, features, promotions, as well as customer service.
  6. OWNER - The entity providing this website, namely: Entrepreneur Mateusz Mrozek, conducting business under the name: MROZEK.ORG MATEUSZ MROZEK, with its registered office at: ul. SÅ‚owackiego 10/14, 56-120 Brzeg Dolny, NIP: 9880299153;
  7. SEARCH ENGINE - a free Electronic Service made available to Service Recipients by the Service Provider, enabling the search for specific advertisements or content based on criteria provided by the Service Recipient (using filters).


  1. The Owner provides access to the contents of the website, in accordance with the General Conditions below.
  2. The contents and data published on the website are of an informational nature for interested parties and may be used for informational purposes only.
  3. Users may use the access and services offered on the website, provided that they have previously accepted the General Conditions.


  1. The website is supported by all types of internet browsers. No special properties of the User's end device are required.
    • After accepting the Terms, the User has the right to view, copy, print and distribute, without making changes to the content, the content of this website, provided that:
    • this content will be used solely for informational purposes, for non-commercial purposes;
    • each copy made will contain information on copyright or data regarding the author of the content.
  2. It is prohibited to use and copy software, processes and technologies that are part of the website.
  3. Users may use the website only in compliance with the provisions of the Telecommunications Law, the Act on the provision of services by electronic means and the relevant provisions of civil law.
    • It is prohibited to use the website:
    • in a way that leads to a violation of applicable legal regulations;
    • in any way that is unlawful or dishonest, or in a way that aims to achieve an unlawful or dishonest purpose;
    • for purposes related to harming children or attempting to harm them in any way;
    • to send, knowingly receive, upload or use content that is not in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions;
    • to transmit or provoke the sending of any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising or promotional materials, as well as any similar forms, included in the collective category of SPAM;
    • to knowingly transmit any data, send or upload any materials containing viruses, Trojan horses, spyware, adware or other harmful programs or similar computer codes programmed to adversely affect or threaten the functioning of any computer software or hardware or adversely affect or threaten the User.


  1. The website uses cookies or similar technology (hereinafter collectively referred to as "cookies") to collect information about the User's access to the website (e.g. via computer or smartphone) and their preferences. They are used, among other things, for advertising and statistical purposes and to adapt the website to the individual needs of the User.
  2. Cookies are pieces of information that contain a unique reference code that the website sends to the User's device in order to store and sometimes track information about the device used. They usually do not allow the User to be identified. Their main task is to better adapt the website to the User.
  3. Some of the cookies that appear on the website are available only for the duration of a given internet session and expire when the browser is closed. Other cookies are used to remember the User, who is recognized on the website after returning to it. They are then retained for a longer period of time.
  4. All cookies that appear on the website are set by the Owner.
  5. All cookies used by this website comply with applicable European Union law.
  6. Most Users and some mobile browsers automatically accept cookies. If these settings are left unchanged, cookies will be saved in the device's memory.
  7. The User can change their preferences regarding the acceptance of cookies or change the browser so that they receive an appropriate notification each time the cookie function is set. To change the cookie acceptance settings, you must adjust the settings in your browser.
  8. It is worth remembering that blocking or deleting cookies may prevent you from fully using the website.
    • Cookies will be used for necessary session management, including:
    • Creating a special login session for the Website User so that the website remembers that the User is logged in and their requests are delivered in an effective, secure and consistent manner;
    • Recognizing a User who has previously visited the website, which allows the identification of the number of unique users who have used the service and allows us to ensure that the service has sufficient capacity for the number of new users;
    • Recognizing whether the person visiting the website is registered on the website;
    • Recording information from the User's device, including: cookies, IP address and information about the browser used, in order to be able to diagnose problems, administer and track the use of the website;
    • Customizing elements of the graphic layout or content of the website;
    • Collecting statistical information about how the User uses the website, in order to be able to improve the website and determine which areas of the website are most popular with Users.


  1. The website contains a plugin for the social networking site Facebook.
  2. The Facebook plugin is marked with the Facebook logo.
  3. This plugin will directly connect to the Owner's profile on the Facebook server. Facebook can then obtain information that the User has visited the website from their IP address.
  4. If the User visits the website while logged into their Facebook profile, Facebook will record information about the visit. Even if the User is not logged into Facebook, Facebook is able to obtain information about the IP address.
  5. Facebook does not provide the Owner with information about the data collected and how it is used. The purpose and scope of the data collected by Facebook are not known to the Owner. In order to obtain additional information regarding privacy on the Facebook portal, please contact Facebook directly or read the portal's privacy policy at: https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/.
  6. If the User does not want Facebook to be able to obtain information about browsing the website, it is good for the User to log out of their Facebook account in advance.


  1. The Owner may also use other social plugins (e.g. Twitter, Google+ or LinkedIn).
  2. Social plugins can be identified by icons used to share information on a given platform.
  3. Plugins allow users of these platforms to link the website in their posts placed on these social platforms.
  4. Plugins will directly connect to the Owner's profile on the server of a given social portal. This portal may then obtain information that the User has visited the website from their IP address.
  5. During the User's visit to the profile, the administrator of the social networking site uses cookies and other similar technologies to monitor the behavior and actions taken by the User. This information is collected, among other things, for the purpose of creating so-called website statistics. The statistics contain only anonymized statistical data about users visiting the profile and it is not possible to link them to a specific person. The Owner does not have access to personal data used by social networking sites for the purpose of preparing, among other things, website statistics.
  6. Thanks to the website statistics generated by the social network, the Owner has information on how Users use the Owner's profiles and which of the published content is the most popular. Thanks to this information, the Owner can optimize its profiles by better matching the published content to the interests and behaviors of Users. The entity responsible for processing User data for the purposes of generating website statistics is the administrator of each of the above-mentioned social networking sites. Therefore, administrators are obliged to inform Users about all matters related to the processing of personal data for the purposes of creating website statistics and about the possibility of exercising the right to privacy protection, which is granted in accordance with applicable law.


  1. Links to other websites on this page are provided for informational purposes only.
  2. The owner of the website is not responsible for the content of other websites or for any damages resulting from their use.


  1. The User may enter their contact details by filling out a special form intended for contacting the Owner, the content of the message and accepting their sending to the Owner.
  2. Leaving contact details means that the User has consented to the processing of personal data provided in the Contact Form by the Owner. The Owner will be able to use the provided contact details to send offers or to contact the User.


  1. The User can search the website for information by entering the search term in the search engine located on the website. This option allows the User to filter information faster than reading the entire website content in search of what the User came to the website for.


  1. The website and its content may be protected by copyright, trademark law and other regulations related to the protection of intellectual property.
  2. The Owner's marks, logos and other personalized emblems appearing on the website (collectively referred to as the "Marks") are the Owner's trademarks.
  3. Except for separate, individual, written authorizations, the User may not use the Owner's Marks: separately or in combination with other verbal or graphic elements, especially in press releases, advertising, promotional and marketing materials, in the media, in written or oral materials, in electronic form, in visual form or in any other form.


  1. The Owner fully respects the privacy of Users. Detailed information on how to collect and process User personal data or other information, as well as situations in which the Owner may disclose it, can be found in the Privacy Policy tab.


  1. The website contains information of a general nature. It is not intended to mediate in the provision of any professional advisory services. Before taking action that affects the financial situation or business activity of the User, please contact a professional advisor.
  2. The website does not provide any guarantees regarding its content, in particular guarantees of security, error-freeness, lack of viruses or malicious codes, guarantees regarding correct operation or quality.
  3. The website does not provide any warranty, express or implied, including the warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement of copyright, adaptation, security and reliability of information.
  4. The User uses the website at his own risk and assumes full liability for damages related to or resulting from its use, both direct and indirect, incidental, consequential, moral or other damages under contract, tort, negligence, including but not limited to loss of data or services.
  5. The website does not accept any liability for links placed on the website, especially if they lead to websites, resources or tools maintained by third parties.
  6. The owner is not liable if the website is temporarily or permanently unavailable for any reason.
  7. The owner is not liable for the information provided on the website, nor can it ensure the complete security of transactions or communications conducted via the website.
  8. Despite the Owner's best efforts to ensure the accuracy and up-to-dateness of the website, errors unintentionally made by the Owner may occur, which the User is requested to report to the Owner upon discovery.
  9. All of the above exclusions and limitations of liability apply to the fullest extent permitted by law, covering any type of existing liability, including contractual liability, tortious liability and any other liability provided for in Polish or foreign legal systems.


  1. If any provision of the General Terms and Conditions is or should become invalid or ineffective in any legal system, the rest of the Terms and Conditions will remain valid and unaffected. The Parties will replace the invalid or ineffective provision with another that reflects the intended purpose as closely as possible. This also applies to any gaps in the General Terms and Conditions.
  2. If any provision of the General Terms and Conditions is or should become invalid or ineffective in one or more legal systems, all provisions of the General Terms and Conditions will remain valid in any other legal system.


  1. Unless otherwise provided, the General Terms and Conditions constitute the complete and exhaustive agreement between the User and the Owner regarding the use of the website, within the scope of the content contained therein, and replace all other agreements, arrangements and contracts regarding the subject matter (content) of these General Terms and Conditions.


  1. The Owner of the website reserves the right to make modifications to these General Conditions at any time during their validity by posting an updated version on the website, which will become binding on Users from the moment of their publication, unless otherwise indicated in the modified General Conditions.
  2. The User is obliged to familiarize themselves with the modifications to the General Conditions, of which the Owner will inform them by sending them a message or communication about the changes to the General Conditions for acceptance.
  3. Continued use of the website is tantamount to acceptance of the modified Website Conditions.


  1. The Parties agree to resolve any disputes that may arise in the first instance through an amicable settlement of the matter, before a competent arbitration court (arbitration clause).
  2. If an amicable settlement of the matter proves impossible, the dispute arising from this agreement shall be resolved by the court in whose district the Owner's registered office is located.


    • In matters not regulated in these General Terms and Conditions, the following acts shall apply accordingly:
    • the Act of 16 July 2004 - Telecommunications Law (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2022, item 1648, as amended);
    • the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2020, item 344, as amended);
    • the Act of 4 February 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2022, item 2509, as amended);
    • the Act of 23 April 1964 - the Civil Code (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2022, item 1360, as amended);
  1. and other relevant provisions of Polish law.